IA mindset for success is critical to everything in life: relationships, school, career. The Bible tells us the battle is always in the mind, hence, Ephesians 6, put on your armor starting with that Helmet of Salvation.  God wants to transform us by the renewing of our minds.  So where is our focus?  Discipline of our thought life and what we feed ourselves spriitually, mentally and emotionally is more critical than the food in our bellies!!   Dying to self and following Christ as a servant is also something that requires a whole lot of focus.  A mindset for what has eternal value.  It's foreign in our culture, but not invisible.  There are many who are Salt and Light in the world.  Stay strong in the Lord, friends.  It is Christ working in you both to will and to do according to His good pleasure.  It's all about HIM!   Well, I haven't posted for a while.  Been focused on my newest site www.SFI2EarnBig.info     I am using it to attract people to join my team at SFI. I met Papa Don, a beautiful Christian man who has shown me how to create income faster and easier than ever.  He is a well educated man (2 degrees in Communication) who retired from a successful career in business and now
shares his stratregies for success.  Read more about him at my main training site, www.SharperMarketer.com    You can sign up for my newsletter through either of these sites and get a Free report:  "Mindset For Success".  The Bible tells us the battle is in the mind.  We know everything is  matter of discipline of the mind, the will.  Obedience, faithfulness, hard work.  Merging these values with a business model brings great peace and satisfaction!
Well, it feels like Santa came early at my house!!  ProFusionX, the new
cash leveraging system I told you about, has continued the Pre-Launch
special til 12/31/09.   If you ever wanted to make money online, but were
afraid because you didn't know how to do it,  this system levels the playing field and does all the work for you!  Your system is provided with 200 qualified leads each month for an entire year.   These are pre-qualified people looking for an opportunity, ready to jump when they find it.  And guess what?  You'll be the one they are jumping to!   With no experience, no technical knowledge, no products, you can have success.   

The automated system follows up with autoresponder emails to answer questions and encourage participation.  Though no advertising or calling is necessary,  my team is also working together to further share this awesome opportunity through no cost or low cost methods.

Come on.  We're bursting into 2010 and getting blessed with the income we need for financial freedom and time freedom.  GO HERE NOW.  I'm here to help.

May God bless you and yours.  I can't wait to hear your success stories!!
Can't believe I found Christmas cards with one of my favorite Bible verses on it!
You see, as the world spins out into more chaos and corruption, I've been keeping sanity by meditatin on Phil 4:8.  Perhaps you know it.  Now it is emblazoned in all its encouraging glory on the front of my cards!  Because it is especially inspiring during this busy season, and all year round.  In case you don't know it, or don't have a Bible handy, I share it with you here, and pray for your eyes to keep looking up to Jesus: our Peace, our Security, our Anchor in life's storms.   "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, pure and lovely,  whatever is admirable or worthy of praise, if anything is excellent, think about such things."  God bless you today!
My 13 year old son Lucas reluctantly came downstairs at 8:15 this morning, plopped himself on the couch in our family room, and pulled a blanket up over his head.  Balled up in a fetal position, he lay there motionless for a good ten minutes.   From my computer desk I greeted him and he grunted from beneath his blanket.   A few more minutes passed and I asked if he was ready for breakfast so we could get his day started in cyberschool.  He grunted.

Finally, I went over and lifted the blanket to sneak a kiss and a bit of motivation, when Lucas replied,  "Mom, that's my thought chamber!"   Love it!!

I replied, "Wow!  I like that!  Keep on thinking!"  I hope later he'll share his thoughts.    If you are feeling a bit tired, overwhelmed, and even got a little flu or cold going on at your house, try crawling into your own "thought chamber" today.   The pace of life can be so exhausting.  Take care of yourself, Mom and Dad, so you can care for your family and friends.  I recommend some time with God to focus on HIS great power, His boundless ability to carry you if you lean on HIM.  This season is about watching, waiting, anticipating HIM--the Christ of Christmas.   Give HIM the gift of your heart and mind, a little undivided attention today  and everyday, in your own  "Thought Chamber".  Lucas and I highly recommend it!!   Blessings to you and yours today!!
This morning as I was meditating on Psalm 63, I was inspired to give a gift to all my friends who drop by to visit here.  Only problem is, I can't upload the audio file and Letter of Blessing in this blog.

 So, if you would like my "Soaring High Meditation" , you'll have to work for it just a bit!!  Email me at  [email protected]   and I'll send it right out to you.

I pray you will have a very blessed, Merry, Bountiful Christmas!
God bless you!
I went outside this morning in a balmy 47degrees to put up a few decorations.  I'm keeping it very simple, and a bit different.  No lights on the bushes or the house; just a decorated lampstand out front, and a line of lit up plastic snowflakes and candy canes surrounding our planted area of the lawn.
I transformed the tall "shepherd's hook" plant stand into a pseudo - tree draped in plastic evergreens, pointsettias, golden beads and lights.  And on my porch table, a basket of varied round ornaments and ribbon., At the door, a wreath created for us as a gift from our secretary in Los Angeles, long ago.  In the center of the wreath Leticia had placed a manger scene with Jesus in the manger and Mary and Joseph on either side.  The simplicity of the Greatest Gift. The freedom available to all who accept it.  May you know the wondrous freedom of this Greatest Gift, Jesus Christ, as your Savior and Lord!    Before I get back to work, I came across some great free business tools you might want to check out.  ISORegister Free marketing trainings, ad tracker,autoresponder,conference center...all the tools you need to build your online business.  Gear up for 2010 now!!  God bless!